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SIMATIC DP, Electronics module for ET 200S, 2 AI Standard U 15 mm width, +/-10V; 13 bit+sign +/-5 V; 12 bit+sign, 1..5 V; 12-bit Cycle time 65 ms/channel with SF LED (group fault)

SIMATIC DP, Electronics module f. ET200S, 2AI Standard I-2DMU 15 mm width, 4.. 20mA; 13 bit for 2-wire transducer Cycle time 65ms/channel with SF LED (group fault)

SIMATIC DP, Electronics module f. ET200S, 2AI Standard I-4DMU 15 mm width, +/-20mA; 13 bit+sign 4.. 20mA; 12-bit for 4-wire transmitter Cycle time 65 ms/channel with SF LED (group fault)